 Always a Good Story
 Andrew parties
 It's My Story and I'm Sticking to it.

 Old Raider and The Bad Boys
 It Is Balloon...
 Beekman's Old School Ice Cream
 Must have been a Good Time for a Rest.
 The Brooks'
 Kathy, We Miss You!
 Clothing Optional Swim
 Come Again...
 Da Bills
 Dale & Gilly
 Doll and Benson
 Doll & Bob
 Doll & Sprint
 Local color
 Always Smiling with Jewelry
 Partial Moon
 Da Girls
 Halloween Party: the Young's
 Good Dog, Sprint
 Halloween Party in the Kitchen
 Jamie was fully protected.
 Big Corn
 Jack Daniel's Sno-Cones?
 Jan gets a Rainy Day Thrill.
 All Smiles!
 Late Night with Team Sprint
 Mr. Bill's hidden talent
 A Flock of Sprinters
 Doll's Patriotic Ride
 Rev. Tom & Chris
 Rude Dog
 Sherri Flansberg, Driver Supreme
 Sligar & Burger
 Riders by night; Rockers by day
 Sprint and his girls
 Team Pic #20
 What's over there?
 Team pic in Burlington
 Sprinters on the Corner
 Team Pic
 A Very Good Day
 Ride the Other Way Quickly
 Da Girls Late Night

 Tom Got Creamed.
 Walter & Randy & the girls
 Flaherty's and a Sligar
 Hanging out at the House of Flowers.
 Hunting for Something...
 There it is.