Team Sprint Pictures
An infinite number of paths to the same goal.
RAGBRAI 2006 - #34
The year Lance rode for the First time

RAGBRAI 2006 route

We could tell Lance was coming...

Almost missed Lance

Best Pic: Lance on RAGBRAI 06. Thanks Barb & John!

Lance speaks at Newton

Lance speaks at Newton

Two busloads!

Brian & Audrey Wagner, 2006 rookies

We be Jammin! Great tunes all week!

Missouri Bonnie

classic RAGBRAI vista

Bob & Wilder

camp food...mmm

A camping we will go...

Blue shirt night

The truck exploded...


Is this heaven?

Relaxing at the fair with Ryan

Brooks in camp early

Shirt day with the Brooks

Danny & Doug found their favorite coolers

Ride that cooler!

The fair, The goat, The Doll

The girls

What did Jamie say?

The Wagners: rookie season

Okay, every other person look left!

Sarah & Julie

Newton home with great food.

The drivers and the leftovers. Thanks, Walter & Joyce!

The Old Crew

Cute roadside ponies. Doll wanted to trade the tandem in for these. Bob almost agreed.

Just feed them pancakes and they're happy!

Sarah & Patrick ready to roll

Walter, Andy, & Doc

RAGBRAI rule #69: Don't put your belt pack in the back!

Off the Route in the Amanas...mmm

Veterans know where the best off routes are...Millstream brewery!

Did you know Millstream has root beer?

Brooks with the new tent

Andy parties


ragbrai 06 boating fun


ragbrai 06 bikecross

Brooks with the rookie Wagners

Doc... RAGBRAI secret agent

Roadside Boys in Brooklyn

Too much fun

Danny, Randy, & Secret Agent

There were Bills out there...

Dennis & Bo. Did you know they got engaged Saturday night?

A Sprint sighting in Coralville

RB06 34 mississippi bonnie

It's the end. Time to smile!

A hot week gets to rookies and veterans

Team Picture just before they rolled up the streets in Muscatine

Team Picture of the late riders. Sprint was still there!